If you have a special skill or connection that may support our program, please email Producer, Erin Neumeyer
Parent Volunteer Opportunities
Tech Rehearsal Meal Volunteers
T-Shirt Distribution
Make-up Supervision
Poster Hanging in Town
Outreach Events
Producer, Erin Neumeyer
Producer, Sarah Jane Barney
Props, Set Build/Decoration, Joan Krenik
Secretary, Jill Jurenka
Marketing/Social Media/Photography, Erin Neumeyer
Cast Meals, Dolly Phillips
Concessions/Showgrams, Jenee Castellanos
Treasurer/Donations, Amanda Harris
Financial Secretary, Jennifer Mack
Box Office, Courtney Spikes
Parent Communications, Sarah Jane Barney
Outreach, Front of House, Sarah Jane Barney
Program Layout (InDesign), Open Position
T-Shirts - Open Position
Steering Committee Parents
Parent Information
PARENT EMAILS — If Your student is in the cast or crew you should be receiving email updates — if not, please email our producer@samohitheatre.org and/or outreach@samohitheatre.org. Be sure you are at least scanning this email each week!
REMIND — Please sign up for REMIND text updates to be on top of schedule changes – Info in Parent Emails.
ALL-IN-ONE PAYMENT FORM – Fill out online ASAP – this allows you to donate to support tech rehearsal meals, purchase a t-shirt and make donations to support our program. Payments can either be made online (our preferred
method), by cash or by check payable to Samohi Theatre-SMAPA – if cash/check (FORM STILL REQUIRED!)
put in an envelope with the STUDENT NAME & SHOW NAME on it and put in the lockbox outside Kate Barraza’s
office or for the musical you can also put it in the lockbox in the Choir Room.
ATTENDANCE - Attendance is CRITICAL for all tech rehearsals start and it is especially important all cast is available for EVERY rehearsal for the three weeks prior to the show. Contact producer@samohitheatre.org as far in advance as possible if you have an unavoidable conflict.
MEALS - the schedule will be updated to indicate nights dinners will be provided (suggested donation $75 – please contribute!). Vegetarian options will be provided. Food allergies should be noted on All-in-One Form. Contact Dolly Phillips at meals@samohitheatre.org if you are available to help serve!
T-SHIRTS - Students are not required to purchase a t-shirt, however, it is encouraged. Students will be asked to wear their t-shirts to help advertise the show on certain dates.
DONATIONS - Parent donations are very important - they allow us to hire professionals to lead costume design, lighting, projections, set design and more! Your donation, however much, is appreciated and will be acknowledged in the show program. Theatre donations are cumulative for the year and are categorized as follows: Ambassador $10,000+, Philanthropist $5000-$9999, Champion $1500-$4999, Super Star $500-$1499, Angel $250-$499, Benefactor $100-$249, Patron $50-$99, Supporter-up to $49.
PROGRAM ADS - A great opportunity for your business or other local business to market their services! Please contact Jenee Castellanos at Concessions@samohitheatre.org if you have a possible ad opportunity.
TICKETS – We will have ASSIGNED SEATING for all performances. Watch for announcements!
SOCIAL MEDIA – Follow/Like Share - Instagram @samohi.theatre & Facebook page for news, info, photos and more!

Direct Kate Barraza

Addams Family Set Build 2020

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Direct Kate Barraza